Hello Yeye,

As a grandchild of a individual that was Spanish a national, you could apply for Spanish nationality after one year of legal residence in Spain, as established in the Spanish Civil Code, (Article 22.2.f ).

If you had found those documents earlier you could have applied for Spanish citizenship based on the Ley de Memoria Historica. The citizenship application due to this Law could be filed by those individuals that were born of Spanish parents or grandparents that had to renounce to their nationality for political reasons during the CIvil War; they had to prove their ancestors had left the country between the 18th of July of 1936 and the 31st of December of 1955; otherwise, they could not be considered a refugee and Spanish exiled. However, the deadline to apply based on this Law expired on the 27th December 2011.

As a Filipino, you can also apply for Spanish nationality after two years of legal residency in Spain.

Best Regards,