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Thread: Permanent comunitario changed larga duracion EU

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  1. #1


    Thank you for your reply Patricia . You are right that I am protected under the EU treaty rights , but I have been told by the IND in Holland , that I need Larga Duracion UE to apply for a resident permit in Holland . The fact that I am divorced from my EU spouse makes it very difficult for me . I have been told by lawyers in Holland that in Holland , I would have been able to hold both the Larga Duracion UE and my communiatrio permanente . Is that the same in Spain or if I were to be given Larga Duracion UE , will that cancel the ommuniatrio permanente?Thank you .

  2. #2



    In Spain, you are either under regimen comunitario or regimen general. You are under regimen comunitario now. I believe you can apply to shift to regimen general and apply for the Long stay residence card EU, but you cannot hold both cards at the same time.

    Patricia Martin
    Immigration Consultant at Lawbird | Contact Me
    Check My Profile

  3. #3

    Default permanente communitario

    please why is that holid of 10 years permanent communitario (Spain) and who has divorced his EU citizen cannot apply for residence or work permit in another EU country. what does the EU law says about this.

  4. #4



    Those individuals holding a permanent residence card in an EU member Estate can apply for a work and residence permit in other EU member Estate following the process the particular country has established, which will include proving sources of income and having medical cover. Automatic right to residency does not exist, but the procedure will certainly be more straightforward and simple than for the general rule. Please read an extract of the concerning Law below, and click on the Law title to read it in full.

    Council Directive 2003/109/EC of 25 November 2003 concerning the status of third-country nationals who are long-term residents.

    "Right of residence in the other EU countries
    A long-term resident may exercise the right of residence, for a period exceeding three months, in an EU country other than the one which granted him/her the status, subject to compliance with certain conditions, including:
    exercise of an economic activity in an employed or self-employed capacity;
    pursuit of studies or vocational training;
    other purposes.
    However, an EU country may limit the number of residence permits if, at the time of the adoption of this directive, limitations for the admission of non-EU nationals are already set out in existing national law. At the same time, for reasons of labour market policy, EU countries may give preference to Union citizens.
    The above conditions do not concern employees posted for the purpose of cross-border provision of services or providers of cross-border services.
    When the application for a residence permit is lodged, the competent authorities in the second EU country * may require the presentation of certain documents (such as the long-term residence permit, an identity document, an employment contract, documentation with regard to appropriate accommodation, etc.) and evidence of stable and regular resources and medical insurance."

    Patricia Martin
    Immigration Consultant at Lawbird | Contact Me
    Check My Profile

  5. #5

    Post dual residency ?

    Thank a lot, there is great information for all,
    My question is regarding residence permit,
    i am from india, I just got my (5 years) permanent residency in spain, and i did not apply family immigration in spain for my wife, but recently my wife came to norway for 2 years study visa, now i am planning to apply norwegian residence card as a spouse of my wife.
    my question is that if i will get residence permit from norway, so my spanish permanent residency will be cancelled or not ? is it possible i will take both residency? but i will use one at one time. because i don't want to lose my spanish residence permit. plese guide me. Thanks

  6. #6
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    Hello Daniyal,

    It is not possible to hold residency in two different countries. You will need to chose one or another.
    Marta Flores
    Legal Assistant at Lawbird
    Check My Profile

  7. #7

    Default How to: Larga Duracion to Larga Duracion UE

    Hello, we hold Larga Duracion which is valid for 4 more years. We want to swtich to Larga Duracion UE now. What is the best way to do this?


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